April 2021 Delegate News

Last Updated on December 16, 2021 by Technical Advisor

I want to thank everyone that attended our virtual Area 53 Mini-conference.  I missed not seeing you all in person, to receive the conversations, hugs, and language of the heart from you all.  Nevertheless, your comments on the agenda items have helped me as your delegate to be able to go to the conference with your group conscience.  Since our mini-conference, I also attended the other area’s mini-conferences in Ohio, which were also extremely helpful.


There has been much reading and studying to prepare for the 71st General Service Conference.  Our East Central Regional Trustee rotates this year.  At the conference we will be voting on our new Regional Trustee along with the Trustee-At-Large for the US, it is exciting to be a part of this voting process.


I just received information that the ASL Big Book and Twelve and Twelve have been added in English to the AAWS YouTube Channel.  Please pass this information along to anyone in need of this important service.


  • Good news! The Big Book and Twelve and Twelve in ASL are available with closed captions on the A.W.S. YouTube channel. All videos have closed captions and are in English only. We hope you enjoy it!



Donna K.



Panel 71, Area 53

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