Accessibilities Committee


The Accessibilities Committee explores, develops, and offers reasonable accommodations to alcoholics with disabilities and/or special needs to ensure accessibility of the A.A. program and its resources whenever possible.

The committee establishes and implements service priorities for A.A.s with disabilities and special needs whenever possible at the individual, group, district, and area level.

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Click to enlarge and print to take to an AA meeting.
Click to enlarge and print to take to an AA meeting.
Click to enlarge and print to take to an AA meeting.

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Committee Meetings

The Accessibilities Committee meets on Zoom every fourth Saturday of the month from 11 am to 12 noon.

Meeting ID: 993 2541 0386
Passcode: 6sP2cP
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,99325410386#,,,,*214550# US
+19292056099,,99325410386#,,,,*214550# US (New York)

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