GSR Support Material

Your first Steps as a new GSR.

  1. Get to know your DCM and your District, find out what District your group is a part of and attend the District Meetings. If your district does not have a DCM, contact the DCMC.
  2. Fill out Group Change Form and email the form to the area registrar.
  3. Attend the Area 53 Assemblies. They are in March, June, September, and December.
  4. Attend the Mini Conference. It is the 2nd Weekend in March.

For a list of emails and names for Area Officers, Standing Committee Chairs, DCM's and the DCMC.

Participating in A.A.

Most A.A. members participate by going to meetings at their local groups. But there are many opportunities for service in A.A., and most of us have found that volunteering to do service improves the quality of our recovery. We freely share our time and talent in an effort to stay sober and carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to those who are suffering from alcoholism. In other words, you get what you give.

GSR Kit & Books (PDF)

Service Material



Area 53 Guidelines & GSR Workbook

Group Handbook

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