From your delegate, Frank G.

Howdy everyone,

This year’s 2017 Area 53 Mini-Conference is in the beautiful state park Salt Fork – yes even in winter. It is located at 14755 Cadiz, Lore City Ohio 43755.

This year we have some agenda items that are important for AA future. You can see them on the Mini-Conference homepage. Please don’t miss being part of AA as a whole. Each year I attend the mini-conference I learn more and appreciate the importance of respecting our principles. Don’t be mistaken, it is not all study; there is good fellowship and great food served at the lunches and banquet. If your on a budget, we also have a fantastic hospitality room. Our “chef” has really out did himself last year! The food at the hospitality room has no charge, just donate what you can. Yea hospitality committee!

I enjoy best the lively and informative discussion Saturday afternoon when every member is able to voice there view. Please consider bringing an guest. There is plenty for them to do while your in committee, swimming pool, fitness room and game room. This year the weather has been mild we can enjoy the sandy beach and nature trail. There might be time for all of us to slip away and enjoy the park. AA principles and pleasure what a sweet deal.

While you are at the mini-conference, please look me up and say “hi.” I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.

Your trusted servant,
Frank G., Delegate Area 53 Panel 67

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