Treatment Facilities Committee

Are You A New Group Treatment Rep?

Click Here to get more information.

Mission Statement

The primary purpose of the Area 53 Treatment Facilities Committee is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the alcoholic who still suffers, specifically the alcoholic in a treatment facility, outpatient treatment or transitional housing setting.


Comittee Work

  • Arrange AA meetings in treatment settings in cooperation with facility administrators.
  • Arrange purchase and distribution of AA literature for these meetings from the voluntary contributions of AA members.
  • Provide guidelines for volunteers interested in this Twelfth Step work.
  • Coordinate Bridging the Gap, a temporary contact program for those leaving treatment facilities,.
  • Encourage A.A. groups to participate by selecting a Group Treatment Representative (GTR)
  • Increase awareness of the need for treatment service work in Area 53.

Are you willing to volunteer to take an A.A. meeting into a treatment center?

Are you willing to volunteer as a Bridging the Gap contact for someone leaving a treatment setting?

Are you a treatment center staff person desiring an  A.A. meeting at your facility?

Are you willing to serve your A.A. home group as a Group Treatment Representative?





Erin K


Lora J

To honor A.A.'s 7th Tradition

Contributions for purchase of A.A. literature

for the Alcoholic in a treatment setting

can be mailed to:

Area 53 Treatment Facilities Committee

PO Box 82431

Columbus, OH 43202

Committee Meetings

The committee meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 12 pm.

COGF, 651 W. Broad St., Columbus OH 43215


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 7577  8784

Passcode: Treatment


For inquiries about the Treatment Facility Committee or to become a part of the committee, use the buttons on this homepage to ask for service or get involved! 

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