Group Treatment Representative (GTR)

What Is A GTR?

A Group Treatment Representative (GTR) is a vital link between an A.A. group and the Area 53 Treatment Facilities Committee (TFC).

Elected by their home group, the GTR ensures the group's voice is heard within the larger A.A. service structure. This role embodies the principles of the Second and Ninth Traditions, ensuring that decisions are guided by group conscience and the collective wisdom of A.A. members.

A Vibrant Watercolor Painting of a Group Therapy Session, Mental Health Concepts, Generative AI

Why is this role important?

  • Voice of the Group: The GTR brings the concerns, ideas, and needs of their home group to the Area 53 TFC. This ensures that local perspectives are considered in broader service decisions.
  • Communication Bridge: The GTR keeps their home group informed about TFC activities, needs, and opportunities to get involved in service work.
  • Supporting Treatment: GTRs play a crucial role in raising awareness about A.A.'s work with those in treatment facilities, encouraging participation, and facilitating communication between A.A. and treatment centers.

What does a GTR do?

  • Attends TFC Meetings: Represents their home group at the monthly Area 53 TFC meetings.
  • Keeps the Group Informed: Reports back to their home group about what's happening with the TFC.
  • Recruits Volunteers: Lets their group know about opportunities to help out with the TFC.
  • Answers Questions: Is a resource for group members who have questions about the TFC.

Manages Treatment Cans: Makes sure Treatment Cans are available at meetings and used correctly.

Want to learn more or become a GTR?

Talk to your group's current GTR or any member of your group's service committee.

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