
The Website and Digital Communications Committee for Area 53 manages all aspects of the Area's online presence. This includes selecting and maintaining the website hosting platform, domain name, and website development software, ensuring the site runs smoothly and remains up-to-date.


The Committee will publish content to the website, such as news, events, and meeting minutes, using materials submitted by Area 53 members.

They will also manage Area 53's email lists, create and distribute digital newsletters, and facilitate online event registration and payments. This committee will ensure the privacy of member data stored online and provide regular reports to the Area Assembly on website usage and plans.


Additionally, the Committee will manage the Area 53 video conferencing account, provide support for online and hybrid meetings, and coordinate audio-visual equipment for both in-person and online events.

Contact Us


Gaebrial F.



Sara R.


Koel D.

Sub Committee - Hosting and Security

Josh C

Sub Committee - Website Content & Digital Communication

Kyle M

Sub Committee - Audio / Visual


Committee Meeting

The Communications Services Committee meet on the 2nd Thursday of each Month at 7:00 PM on zoom

Meeting ID: 861 1923 5689
Passcode: Area53

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