CPC-PI Committee needs YOU!

Want to make a real difference in the lives of those struggling with alcoholism?

The Area 53 Cooperation with the Professional Community/Public Information (CPC-PI) Committee needs YOU!

We're a dedicated group of AA members committed to carrying the message of recovery to the general public and professionals who work with alcoholics.

Why is this work so important?

  • Reaching those who suffer: Many people struggling with alcoholism don't know about AA or have misconceptions about how it works. We help bridge that gap.
  • Educating the community: We provide accurate information about AA to the public, reducing stigma and encouraging those who need help to seek it.
  • Educating the community: We provide accurate information about AA to the public, reducing stigma and encouraging those who need help to seek it.

How can you help?

The committee needs support in 2 ways:

  • We firstly encourage anyone who finds this type of service work interesting to consider becoming a member, or at least spending a Sunday afternoon with us at our monthly committee meeting to see if what we’re doing suits you.
  • And secondly, this committee has found it necessary to create a roster of AAs in Area 53, who are willing to help us extend our reach with the services we provide. Frankly, we are too few to meet all the opportunities at which our attendance is requested.
    As a volunteer on our roster you’ll be notified, along with all the other voluntees, of any events or service commitments when they arise. Then, depending on your availability, you may contact us and confirm your commitment. It is not a requirement that you are a CPC- PI member to be included on our roster, only a desire to be of service and the requisite availability to fulfill what ever opportunity interests you.

You may contact Nicholas B by email:

The CPC-PI Committee meeting is held every 3rd Sunday of the month from 3 pm - 4:30 pm at the Franklinton Branch Library: 1061 W. Town St., Columbus, OH 43222

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