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Hybrid Hybrid Event

Treatment Facilities Committee Monthly Meeting

October 18 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT

Hybrid Hybrid Event

The Treatment Facilities Committee assists individuals, groups, and districts in carrying the message to the alcoholic in a treatment facility setting. These settings include rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, homeless shelters, transitional housing, and outpatient programs.

The committee meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 12 pm in person and on zoom!

COGF, 651 W. Broad St., Columbus OH 43215

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 831 7577 8784
Passcode: Treatment


October 18
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Area 53 Treatment Facilities Committee


645 W. Broad St.
Columbus, 43215 United States
+ Google Map

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Event information might include event name or title; event location and address; date, start time and end time; and description of the event and why someone might attend in 2-3 sentences.

Attach a flier with NO LAST NAMES to the email.

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