District 34 Meeting
Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church 2930 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH, United States4th Sunday of the month at 5:30 PM Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2930 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43204, USA
General Service of Central and Southeast Ohio
4th Sunday of the month at 5:30 PM Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church, 2930 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43204, USA
4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30 431 3rd St, Marietta, OH 45750, USA
Click Image Below or Download Flyer HERE
The Accessibilities Committee meets on Zoom every fourth Saturday of the month from 11 am to 12 noon. https://zoom.us/j/99325410386?pwd=UXpzMHB0ZndHV1hYVWtDRjkyVlV2UT09 Meeting ID: 993 2541 0386 Passcode: 6sP2cP
REGISTER HERE Celebrate Sobriety at the 2025 A.A. International Convention in Vancouver! Mark your calendars for July 3-6, 2025, and join A.A. members, their families, and friends from around the ... Read more
This is a test event for the comm team to test tickets. Do not purchase this will not work.
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Event information might include event name or title; event location and address; date, start time and end time; and description of the event and why someone might attend in 2-3 sentences.
Attach a flier with NO LAST NAMES to the email.
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