District 26 Meeting
Whitehall United Methodist Church 525 Bernhard Road, Columbus, Ohio3rd Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM Whitehall United Methodist Church, 525 Bernhard Rd, Whitehall, OH 43213, USA
General Service of Central and Southeast Ohio
3rd Saturday of the month at 9:30 AM Whitehall United Methodist Church, 525 Bernhard Rd, Whitehall, OH 43213, USA
3rd Saturday of the month at 11:00 am Wheelersburg United Methodist Church, 11605 Gallia Pike Rd, Wheelersburg, OH 45694, USA Zoom Meeting ID: 457-677-9532 passcode: 6cdUJ4
The Treatment Facilities Committee assists individuals, groups, and districts in carrying the message to the alcoholic in a treatment facility setting. These settings include rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, homeless shelters, transitional housing, and outpatient programs. The committee meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 12 pm in person and on zoom! ... Read more
Quarterly meeting of the Correctional Facilities Committee, where we review and vote on Trusted Servant reports (such as last quarter's meeting minutes, funds collected, literature distributed, etc.), as well as ... Read more
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