Event Series District 21 Meeting

District 21 Meeting

Wheelersburg United Methodist Church 11605 Gallia Pike Rd, Wheelersburg, 45694, United States

3rd Saturday of the month at 11:00 am Wheelersburg United Methodist Church, 11605 Gallia Pike Rd, Wheelersburg, OH 45694, USA Zoom Meeting ID: 457-677-9532 passcode: 6cdUJ4

Submit Event

If you want to submit an event for posting on the Area 53 Website Calendar CLICK HERE, or email the event details to .

Event information might include event name or title; event location and address; date, start time and end time; and description of the event and why someone might attend in 2-3 sentences.

Attach a flier with NO LAST NAMES to the email.

If there is an event charge, please provide that detail and the forms of payment accepted.

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