District 34 Elections – Dec 16

Last Updated on December 21, 2021 by

District 34 Needs You!

Area 53 District 34 represents southwest Franklin County. All meetings south of I-70/670 and west of the Scioto River are in District 34. We will be electing new officers December 16th at Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church (2930 W. Broad Street 43204) at 5:30 pm. We need people to represent us in AA Area 53.

Every group in District 34 should vote in this meeting either by the Group GSR or designated representative.

Positions that need to be filled include:
1) District Committee Member (DCM)
2) District Secretary
3) District Treasurer
4) Any other position authorized by the District

For information on these positions and about District 34 contact, contact: Tony B. (614-702-3702), Kevin D. (614-206-3368), or Paul H. (614-425-7246).

Or, just show up December 16th and enhance your knowledge of our 3rd Legacy!


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