Last Updated on July 17, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
Hosted by Area 56 Southwest Ohio, the 2019 Ohio State Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous will be held, August 16-18, 2019 at the Holiday Inn Eastgate in Cincinnati.
Now is the time to start making your plans to come!
The theme for the weekend is “Invitation to Fellowship: A Permanent Haven for All Alcoholics.”
The conference opens at 7:00 pm Friday night with a presentation by GSO Staff member Mary C., a former Area 56 Delegate. It will be followed by a panel presentation and a lead by Mark E., East Central Regional Trustee and long-time Ohio resident.
Friday Night Panel:
Invitation to the Twelfth Step: “The alcoholic who still stumbles in the darkness”
There will be presentations on the following topics:
- Reaching out: Being responsible for the hand of AA
- “We will see how our experience can benefit others”
- Relapse and denial
- Who am I? Identification at depth & ego deflation at depth
Saturday morning starts at 9:00 with a lead by Brandi V., CFC Chair for Area 53, with a panel following.
Invitation to Inclusion: “To ensure that the doors of the halls of AA never have locks on them”
There will be presentations on the following topics:
- Accepting our differences with love and tolerance
- Tradition One and our Declaration of Unity
- The right of participation, minority opinion and AA’s warranties
- How the General Service Conference keeps the doors of AA open
After lunch, we will be hosting breakout sessions which we are calling Trusted Servant Conversations. What is a Trusted Servant Conversation?
Have you ever had a service position and wished you could talk to other people who are doing the same job? Find out how they do it? Find out what problems they have, or even better, the solutions to those problems? Have you ever wanted to get started in service somewhere and just not known how to go about it?
At the Ohio State Convention, we will have conversations on Archives, Corrections, Grapevine, Treasurers & Finance, as well as a GSR/DCM Jamboree! It will be an excellent opportunity to share your love for service and meet others who feel the same way. These conversations will be moderated, starting with a brief presentation to get the ball rolling. Everybody is welcome, whether you have experience or not!
After these breakouts, there will be another panel presentation:
Invitation to Our Future: “Alcoholics Anonymous alone is the ultimate repository of its Twelve Steps, its Twelve Traditions and all of its services”
There will be presentations on the following topics:
- Anonymity, privacy, secrecy and our responsibility
- The integrity of our message – who gets to decide?
- Sober experience, safe experience, service experience: Our Three Legacies
- Our Warranties in an age of rapid technological change
Saturday night begins with a banquet, followed by a lead from Mary C., our GSO staff person. After that, there will be a special movie night surprise and an ice cream social.
Sunday morning, we will wrap up with a panel and a lead, beginning at 9:00.
Invitation to the Joy of Living: “That rebirth that brought us back to life”
There will be presentations on the following topics:
- Surrender to freedom
- Varieties of spiritual awakening
- Progress not perfection
- “A life of sane and happy usefulness”
The final lead will be given by Jamie B., past Delegate from Area 54, Northeast Ohio (“The Cradle of AA,” as they always say). It is sure to be quite a message of recovery.
Registration is $25 and the Saturday night buffet banquet is $35. The registration flyer can be downloaded here. The deadline for pre-registration is August 2, but you can always register at the door. However, banquets need to be pre-paid.
The deadline for hotel reservations is July 26. You can make a reservation at the hotel by clicking the following link: Ohio State Convention
If you have any questions or need more information, e-mail or call Laura G. 937-405-5241.