New Area Position – Guideline Change Proposed

Last Updated on August 3, 2020 by Area 53 Web Team

At the Area 53 December assembly, a guideline change was discussed and a motion was made as stated below. This motion was tabled by the assembly so groups can discuss it between now and the March assembly. At the assembly’s discretion at the next assembly, this tabled motion can be opened again for continued discussion and voting.

The addition of this officer to the Area Committee will facilitate greater accountability, matched with greater authority, to manage the current and future digital needs of the Area. This officer, as with all other Area Officers, will be directly responsible to the Area Assembly.

Motion: That the Area 53 Guidelines be amended:

1) Remove Item 2e from Article IX-Standing Committee Areas of Activity

2) Add Web Administrator to Article V-Area Assembly Officers

Here are the Area 53 Guidelines. Below is the proposed change to Article VI-Duties of Officers

Web Administrator

Duties: (Added to Article VI-Duties of Officers)

1) To update and maintain the Area website including, but not limited to, Area news, calendar of events, district and committee pages, Assembly reports, information pages and archives.
2) To update and maintain the Area email addresses and email lists.
3) To maintain hosting and domain name.
4) To create, maintain and publish digital newsletters and subscriptions.
5) To provide for on-line event registration payments and group contributions.
6) To ensure the privacy of member data stored at the website.
7) Prepare and give a report to the Area Assembly on the uses and plans for improvements to the Area website.

Alternate Web Administrator

Duties: (Added to Article VI-Duties of Officers)

1) Support the duties of the Website and Communications Officer as requested
2) Be prepared and willing to assume the officer’s duties in the event the officer is unable to fulfill their duties
3) Other duties as may be assigned by the officer or by the area committee

Here are the Area 53 Guidelines.

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