Open officer positions ~ Special Mid-term Elections

Last Updated on November 15, 2021 by

As some of you are aware, we have 2 elected officer positions that have recently opened up. At the December Assembly, we will be holding a special election to fill these positions. Please reach out to members you know who would qualify for Alternate Delegate and Alternate Treasurer and encourage them to stand for these positions.


Complete descriptions of these positions are in the Area 53 Guidelines and can be found here.


Duties of Officers


Alternate Delegate:ย 

a) Shall perform the duties of the Area Delegate in the absence of the Area Delegate.

b) In the event that the Delegate cannot serve, the Alternate shall assume fully the duties of Delegate.

c) Shall serve as Chairperson of the Area 53 Mini-Conference.


Alternate Treasurer:ย 

a) Shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in his or her absence.

b) Shall assist in the preparation of the quarterly and annual financial reports.

c) Shall review the bank reconciliation(s) prepared by the Treasurer monthly.

d) Shall serve as Treasurer of the Area 53 Mini-Conference Committee.

e) Shall perform other duties as assigned by the Area assembly.


Additionally, all officers or their alternates, unless otherwise specified, are expected to attend all Area Service activities, one state mini-conference outside of Area 53, and are encouraged to attend the Ohio State Convention and the Regional Convention and Regional Forum.


Qualifications for Treasurer/Alternate Treasurer as suggested in the A.A. Service Manual:ย 


-A solid period of sobriety
-Organizational skills for good record-keeping; accounting or bookkeeping experience
-Computer skills appropriate for the duties of the position
-Ability to speak about financial matters to an audience that does not have the same financial skills


Qualifications for Delegate/Alternate Delegate as suggested in the A.A. Service Manual:


Certain experience, personal qualities, and availability seem to make for well-qualified delegates; these include:


-Active participation in local and area affairs as a GSR and as a committee member for at least several years.

-Sufficient time to attend and prepare for the weeklong Conference meeting in April, as well as the efforts needed before and after the Conference.
-Five or six years of continuous sobriety. The sobriety requirement varies by area; in any case, a delegate ought to be sober long enough to have demonstrated a sense of responsibility and to have become informed about service beyond the group level.
-Experience in chairing business or service meetings.
-Knowledge of A.A. affairs, and of where to find the correct information when they do not know the answers.
-Thorough familiarity with the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts and how they may apply to local problems.
-The ability to be open-minded and listen to different points of view.
-Willingness to sit down with A.A.s in the area and with other delegates to discuss and act on matters vital to the Fellowship.


Please feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in either of these positions or with any questions.


In Service

Ann B.

Area 53 Chair, Panel 71

Central & Southeast Ohio


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