March Area 53 Quarterly Assembly

Our March assembly meeting is this coming weekend, 1:00 pm March 11 at the Salt Fork State Park Lodge & Conference Center (14755 Cadiz Rd, Lore City, OH 43755).

PLEASE remember that at this assembly the registration starts at 12:30 pm.

There will be two separate workshops beginning at 10:30 am on Sunday March 11. They will end no later than noon.

A) GSR School โ€“ For all of those who havenโ€™t attended, or would like a refresher course

B) Area 53 Standing Committees – The purpose of this workshop is to allow small group discussions between interested A.A. members and representatives from the Areaโ€™s Standing Committees. We are grateful that COYPAA will be at the Mini-Conference and has agreed to participate at the Workshop.

At noon, there will be a buffet lunch served by Salt Fork. It is $20, paid in advance. If you are interested in this paid lunch, visit the Mini-Conference home page to order online. AFTER you visit that page and read the details, if you don’t want to order and pay online, email alttreasurer[at]area53aa[dot]org.

In service,
Ed, Area 53 Alternate Chair, Panel 67 (2017-18)

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