REMINDER: Assembly on June 4

The June 4 Assembly agenda has been updated as of June 1. The agenda and some related handouts are available online at the Assembly web page:

1. Agenda
2. March Minutes to be approved
3. The 2017 Mini-Conference Final Report
4. Area Inventory Questions for The Mini-Conference
5. Motion to Support Biographies of Past Chairs of the General Service Board

Other reports and handouts may be posted online before the assembly when they are available. Printed copies will be available at the assembly.

Assembly Location
Riverview Conference Center
At the Christopher Inn
30 North Plaza Boulevard
Chillicothe, OH 45601

To reserve a room for Saturday night at the discounted rate of $92 plus tax, call 740-774-6835 and refer to the group name “Area 53.”

June 4 2017 Assembly Agenda

The June 4 Assembly agenda and minutes to be approved from March 12 Assembly are available on the Assembly web page. Please review them in advance.

Assembly Location
Riverview Conference Center
At the Christopher Inn
30 North Plaza Boulevard
Chillicothe, OH 45601

To reserve a room for Saturday night at the discounted rate of $92 plus tax, call 740-774-6835 and refer to the group name: Area 53.

Special Election at June Assembly

Area 53 will hold a special election at the June 4, 2017, Area Assembly meeting for Web Administrator and Alternate Web Administrator. These two new position were approved as a guideline change at the March 12, 2017 assembly. The guidelines for the duties of these area officers are available on the Area Guidelines webpage. The special election will follow Article XII โ€“ Election of Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and Area Officers of the area guidelines. When elected, these new officers will serve for the balance of Panel 67 through December 2018.

Candidates interested in these positions who have questions should email Dan H., Area 53 Chairperson at chair(at)area53aa(dot)org.

March Assembly Lunch Option

The March 12, 2017, Area Assembly will be at Salt Fork Conference Center in Lore City, Ohio. Registration starts at 9:30am and the assembly at 10:00am.

A lunch option available is a Lasagna (Meat & Cheese) with tossed green salad, vegetable, side dish, rolls & butter, and a beverage. This is being served by Salt Fork. If you are interested, you can order and pay for this lunch in advance (click here for details). You must order and pay in advance to take advantage of this.

Provided by,
Your Mini-Conference Planning Committee

Inventory Questions for Mar 2017

The questions below will be considered at the March 2017 assembly.

March Assembly: Reflecting on the Area 53 Guidelines (Article VII), is the Area 53 Committee achieving it’s โ€œprimary purpose?โ€ In a general way, is it possible for it to improve?

DCM and Area Committee Meetings Jan 8th

Quarterly meeting of the DCM Committee for Area 53 DCMs and other interested AAs meets on January 8, 2017, in the morning at 10:30am before the Area Committee meeting at 1pm.

Quarterly meeting of the Area Committee for officers, committee chairs and DCM’s meets on January 8, 2017. Committee meets to plan for the quarterly assembly and discuss the business of the area. Open to all interested AA’s. Meets at 1 pm following the DCM Committee meeting at 10:30 am.

Location: COGF Meeting Room 645 West Broad Street, Columbus OH 43215

New Area Position – Guideline Change Proposed

At the Area 53 December assembly, a guideline change was discussed and a motion was made as stated below. This motion was tabled by the assembly so groups can discuss it between now and the March assembly. At the assembly’s discretion at the next assembly, this tabled motion can be opened again for continued discussion and voting.

The addition of this officer to the Area Committee will facilitate greater accountability, matched with greater authority, to manage the current and future digital needs of the Area. This officer, as with all other Area Officers, will be directly responsible to the Area Assembly.

Motion: That the Area 53 Guidelines be amended:

1) Remove Item 2e from Article IX-Standing Committee Areas of Activity

2) Add to Article V-Area Assembly Officers

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