District 15 & 16 GSR School

Districts 15 & 16 are hosting a GSR School at Athens Community Center, 701 E. State St., Athens, OH on Sunday Oct. 15, 2017 from 1 – 5 pm. This event will be presented by Dan S., Area 53 Group Service Chairperson, and all materials will be provided by Area 53 Group Services Committee. Districts 15 & 16 will provide beverages and snacks. Please see the flyer for further information.

Download: GSR School Flier

GSR School in Athens

Districts 15 (Athens) and 16 (Marietta) are hosting a GSR School on Nov 6 at the First Presbyterian Church, 2 S Court Street, Athens Ohio. The purpose of the GSR School is to help new GSRs become comfortable and effective in service to their home group. This workshop is open to all interested members of AA. Workbooks and other materials will be available. Avalanche Pizza, snacks and beverages are included. Presented by: Greg S., Portsmouth and Bill Y., Columbus.

GSR School in Athens flier

District 16 BBQ

Title: District 16 BBQ Date/Time: Aug 10, 2013, 1:00pm – 4:00pm Location: Shelter House off Dairy Lane, 331 Richland Ave, Athens, OH 45701 Description: Join District 16 (Athens) for food, … Read more

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