District 17 Hog Roast Sobriety Celebration

Last Updated on February 6, 2019 by

Title: District 17 Hog Roast Sobriety Celebration
Date/Time: July 9, 2011, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Moose Club Shelter, Charleston Rd., Point Pleasant WV 25550

Description: Come join District 17 in celebration of service and sobriety at the Sobriety Hog Roast on July 9, 2011, at the Moose Club Shelter, Charleston Road, Point Pleasant WV 25550 across from Krodel Park. Take the gravel road behind the Moose Club to the shelter.

Fellowship starts at 10:00 am, Eating at noon, and Speaker at 1:00 pm, Carol C., Columbus Ohio, 24 years sobriety.

Activities include volleyball, horse shoes, 50 /50 drawing, door prizes, slides and swings for the kids. Please bring a covered dish and a friend for an day of food, fun and fellowship.

Contact: Ryan C., , or Tammy B.,

Moose Club Shelter, Charleston Rd., Point Pleasant WV 2550


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