Last Updated on April 4, 2022 by Technical Advisor
District Committee Members,
You’re invited to attend D.C.M. Fellowship Connection Training on Saturday, February 19, 2022 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM. Please save the date in your calendar.
Fellowship Connection, A.A.’s brand-new database tool, can be used to help you discover the conscience of the groups in your district, and then pass on your district’s thinking to the Area Committee and Area Delegate. Using your unique login to Fellowship Connection, you will learn how to generate and utilize reports listing the groups in your district, as well as the latest GSR contact data, including their email address and phone number. In short, you will learn how to reach out to groups in your district and keep our fellowship connected to A.A. in central and southeastern Ohio.
The training will take place online using Zoom with Meeting ID 209 183 2022 and Passcode Fellowship.
If you have questions, email or . We hope all DCMs and alternate DCMs can join us.