District 16 Stinkin’ Thinkin” Funshop | March 30, 2019

Last Updated on October 15, 2020 by Area 53 Web Team

WHERE: First United Methodist Church

WHEN: 1-5 PM


District 16 of AA (Athens) will be presenting a Funshop on Stinkinโ€™ Thinkinโ€™ where techniques on how to deodorize your thought processes will be explored.


Rooted in program literature, find fun ways to move toward Higher Power consciousness.


PLEASE RSVP by March 25.


Text โ€œStinkinโ€™ Thinkinโ€™โ€ to Carol at 740-818-6418 with the number of people attending. We want to insure we have enough supplies for everyone attending.



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