Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
Help make history with the AA community at Unity Day on Sunday, August 17, in Hannah Park Shelter House, 6547 Clark State Rd, Gahanna Ohio.
Unity Day is an annual celebration of the cooperation and the shared commitment to carrying the message by the Central Ohio Group Fellowship (COGF) intergroup and Central and SE Ohio Area 53 General Service of Alcoholics Anonymous. All individual local intergroup organizations in the 38-county central and SE Ohio area have been invited to participate.
The program goes from 10 am to 2 pm and will consist of three AA history presentations before lunch followed by an AA lead from Area 53 Archivist Tom Van K.
COGF archivist Bill S. will tell the history of Columbus’ Central office and retrace the growth of AA and the contributions of the pioneers in our area. (If your home group has an AA history you are proud of please share it with us Aug 17.)
Jean S., Area 53 delegate to General Service Conference (GSC) 2009-10, will recount the service work done to carry the message through the informed groups in our area all the way to the annual Conference that began in 1951.
Then, Dennis B., Clintonville Big Book Group, will tell the story of the miraculous events leading up to the publication in April 1939 (75 years ago) of the 1st Edition of the Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous.
Bring your history questions and a friend and a dessert and you will find the fellowship you crave. Hannah Park is located less than half a mile west of Reynoldsburg-New Albany Rd on the south side of Clark State.