Last Updated on August 21, 2022 by
Delegate/Alt. Delegate Report
August 18, 2022
On August 3, Area 53 Delegate Donna K. was admitted to the hospital. On August 4, following a conversation with Donna and as our Guidelines suggest, I took over as Acting Delegate until Donna is well enough to resume her duties.
I have attended both The Ohio State Convention & The Illinois State Convention / East Central Regional Conference (outside of Chicago) where I chaired a panel on “Anonymity Within the Fellowship” in the past month.
Area 53 will be hosting the Conference of Delegates Past and Present (CDPP) for the East Central Region in February 2023; we will be looking for help with registration, hospitality as well as other volunteers.
News from the General Service Office in New York
GSO has been successful in moving up the timeline for this year’s conference report. First, the PDF in all three languages will go out by the end of August. Second, we have renegotiated our print timeline, and the new ship date for these will be the end of October. In order to do this, we have accepted a change in the weight of the paper that will be used (to 35lb stock), which is similar to what was formerly used to print the directories. There will be a ‘look and feel’ difference because of this, but it is how we can manage to get the hard copies into the hands of the groups quickly.
Story Solicitation for AA Members Who Got Sober Later In Life
Call for stories for “A.A. for the Older Alcoholic – Never Too Late” please respond by September 23, 2022.
2025 International Convention Member Engagement Survey
Visit this link: and please respond by October 31, 2022.
Submitted In-Service
Ed A.
Area 53, Panel 71
Alternate Delegate & Acting Delegate