Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
The Agenda for the 64th General Service Conference is official. Please let me know if any officer, DCM or Standing Committee Chair would like to get a digital version of a particular agenda item with background material included.
At our Area 53 Mini-Conference on March 7-9 at Salt Fork we will hold a group conscience on items selected from this list. Any group, district or interested AA has the right to share feelings, opinions, thoughts and experience on any of the proposals that I your trusted servant will vote on in New York.
Come to the Mini-Conference and you will get useful information from past delegates, GSO staff, General Service Board Trustees and AAs just like yourself.
In Service,
Dave C., Panel 63 Delegate
Area 53 Central & SE Ohio
2014 General Service Conference Committees Agenda Items
I. Agenda
A. Review suggestions for the theme of the 2015 General Service Conference.
B. Discuss presentation/discussion topic ideas for the 2015 General Service Conference.
C. Review the General Service Conference Evaluation Form.
D. Review the revised description of the Conference Agenda Committee in Chapter 8, Conference Committees in the 2013-2014 Edition of The A.A. Service Manual.
II. Cooperation With the Professional Community
A. Consider changes to the section, “Referrals From Court and Treatment Facilities” in the pamphlet, If You Are a Professional
B. Consider changes to the pamphlet A.A. as a Resource for the Health Care Professional.
C. Review contents of the C.P.C. Kit and Workbook.
III. Corrections
A. Consider request for revisions to the section “What A.A. does NOT do” in the pamphlet A Message to Corrections Professionals to be consistent with similar text in C.P.C. literature.
B. Consider the development of a new video to replace It Sure Beats Sitting in a Cell (DV-08).
C. Review contents of Corrections Kit and Workbook.
IV. Finance
A. Review suggested area contribution for delegate expense for the Conference.
B. Review Self-Support Packet.
V. Grapevine
A. Review Audio Strategy status update.
B. Review A.A. Grapevine Board proposal to the 2014 Conference Committee on the Grapevine to significantly reduce the La Viรฑa deficit.
C. Review report from A.A. Grapevine Board on feasibility of producing one book in American Sign Language (ASL).
D. Consider the list of suggested Grapevine book topics for 2015 and later.
E. Reconsider publishing the “Alcoholism at Large” section of the Grapevine.
F. Consider a request “to reaffirm the Right of Decision of the A.A. Grapevine Board to make formatting decisions for the A.A. Grapevine and La Viรฑa magazines.”
G. Review suggested changes to pamphlet A.A. Grapevine and La Viรฑa: Our Meetings in Print (P-52).
H. Review Grapevine Workbook.
VI. Literature
A. Review the draft revised pamphlet Circles of Love and Service.
B. Review revised draft of the proposed pamphlet on spirituality.
C. Discuss suggested change to the pamphlet The Twelve Concepts for World Service Illustrated.
D. Discuss suggested changes to the pamphlet Questions & Answers on Sponsorship.
E. Discuss suggested changes to Living Sober.
F. Consider the use of the circle and triangle as an unofficial A.A. service mark on Conference-approved literature.
G. Consider a request to create a pamphlet for alcoholics with mental illness.
H. Consider a request to add ?Nonalcoholics are welcome to attend open meetings as observers? to the end of the Primary Purpose (Blue) card.
I. Approve a correction to inaccurate text related to the addition of appendices in the Preface of Alcoholics Anonymous.
VII. Policy/Admissions
A. Approve admission to the 2014 General Service Conference of Jennie H., alternate delegate, Area 85, Northwestern Ontario, in place of Ken B., the Panel 63 delegate for Area 85.
B. Review dates for the 2017 General Service Conference.
C. Consider a request that an anonymous electronic voting system be utilized at the General Service Conference on all nonelection votes for a trial period.
D. Reconsider the 2008 Conference Advisory Action regarding responsibility for site selection of the General Service Conference.
VIII. Public Information
A. Review 2014 Comprehensive Media Plan from the trustees’ P.I. Committee.
B. Consider report from the trustees’ P.I. Committee regarding G.S.O.’s A.A. Web site.
C. Consider that the 2014 A.A. Membership Survey be conducted by area on a random basis as was done in the 2011 A.A. Membership Survey.
D. Public Service Announcements (P.S.A.s):
1. Review report from trustees? P.I. Committee on A.A. Video P.S.A.s.
2. Review current video P.S.A.s for relevance and usefulness.
3. Consider production of new video P.S.A.
4. Review final report on the centralized distribution, tracking and evaluation of the video P.S.A. for the Spanish-speaking community, Tengo Esperanza.
E. Consider revisions to the Anonymity Card (F-20).
F. Review progress report on development of a brief video on anonymity.
G. Discuss how delegates might stimulate local discussions in light of ongoing anonymity concerns.
H. Review contents of P.I. Kit and Workbook.
IX. Report and Charter
A. The A.A. Service Manual, 2014-2015 Edition:
1. Review revisions from the A.A.W.S. Board.
2. Review revisions from the General Service Board.
3. Review list of editorial updates.
4. Consider draft text for “Advisory Action” and “Additional Committee Consideration” as additions to the Glossary of General Service Terms that begins on page S19.
5. Consider draft text regarding duties and qualifications of “Secretary and Registrar” on page S45.
B. Consider request to modify Article III of the Current Conference Charter.
C. Discuss A.A. Directories (Canada, Eastern U.S., and Western U.S.).
D. Discuss General Service Conference Final Report: Reconsider the 2013 Conference Advisory Action regarding editing
Area Service Highlights.
X. Treatment/Special Needs-Accessibilities
A. Consider proposal to revise the pamphlet Bridging the Gap to expand its scope to include information on related corrections service activity.
B. Review contents of Treatment Kit and Workbook.
C. Review contents of Special Needs/Accessibilities Kit and Workbook.
XI. Trustees
A. Review resumes of candidates for:
1. Eastern Canada Regional Trustee;
2. Pacific Regional Trustee.
B. Review slates of trustees and officers of the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc.
C. Review slate of directors of A.A. World Services, Inc.
D. Review slate of directors of A.A. Grapevine, Inc.
XII. Archives
A. Review revised draft video Markings on the Journey.
B. Review Archives Workbook.
XIII. International Conventions/Regional Forums
A. Discuss anonymity-protected photograph of the flag ceremony to be taken at the 2015 International Convention.
B. Consider a broadcast of the 2015 International Convention Opening Flag Ceremony, similar to the encrypted, anonymity-protected delayed Internet broadcast of the 2010 International Convention Opening Flag Ceremony.
C. Discuss ways to encourage interest in Regional Forums and attract first-time attendees.