Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
Thanks to all the members of Central and Southeastern Ohio AA and all who participated from New York and from the four corners of Ohio during the March 7-9 2014 Area 53 Mini-Conference.
As the Area 53 delegate, I was gratified by the attendance (114 registrations) and the enthusiasm of the attendees. The spirited and respectful sharing at the Sunday morning full conference debate impressed me. It reminded me of my experience in New York last year at my first General Service Conference.
No event could have been so gratifying were it not for the hard work and preparation of all the attendees, especially the hard working Area 53 Mini-Conference planning committee and Area 53’s District 15. District 15’s hospitality committee volunteers, who lavished great food and fellowship on all who entered their Wing B suites. The groups from Noble, Morgan, Washington and Monroe county District 15 made rustic Salt Fork Lodge an even warmer and inviting place to fellowship.
What I saw in the whole Mini-Conference experience and the Central and SE Ohio group conscience discussions was the practicing of our 2nd and 12th Traditions – the actual demonstration of informed decision making that placed principles before personalities.
A close second in enjoyment and appreciation came when Steve S., Manahattan, NYC, shared his story of what it was like, what happened and what it’s like today. Steve’s AA story began in Minneapolis, bottomed out in Norway and continued in recovery all the way to this day as a special paid worker at AA’s General Service Office for world service work.
In his first year at GSO, Steve has worked the Treatment/Special Needs-Accessibilities desk and travelled widely as trusted servant of the fellowship. You might be interested to know that Tom’s Restaurant, a Seinfeld iconic location, is little more than a block from Steve’s Upper Westside Manhattan apartment. He can pretty much walk to the General Service Office at 475 Riverside Drive. Steve is an active member of the Morningside Heights Beginners Group.
The 2015 Area 53 Mini-Conference will be held at Deer Creek State Park near Mt. Sterling Ohio. Set your calendar for March 6-8, 2015.
In Gratitude,
Dave C., Area 53 Delegate