Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
The Mini-Conference committee met on Nov 2 at 6:30pm to continue planning the 2016 Area 53 Mini-Conference.
Discussions and Decisions:
- Approved the committee treasurer’s report by Sandy D. The bank balance is $1,412.76.
- Decided to enter into a two-year contract to hold the 2017 (Mar 9-12) and 2018 (Mar 8-11) mini-conference at Salt Fork Convention Center.
- Finalized the mini-conference meals package which will include a $12 box lunch (sandwich, chips, fruit, cookie and soft drink) on Saturday and a $15 pasta buffet on Sunday. The Saturday banquet will be $30 and the final food selection is pending.
- Reviewed and approved the online registration and payment form for the mini-conference. Decided to promote online registration at the December assembly including a raffle for those who register during the assembly. Discussed changes and approved the final mini-conference flyer for mail-in registration. A supply of 500 fliers will be printed; some will be distributed at the State Convention planning meeting in Cleveland on Nov 8. Registration details are available on the mini-conference home page.
- Discussed and approved the overall program and agenda for the mini-conference. There will be two workshops on Friday at 4:00pm: GSR School and a Panel (Our Spiritual Way of Life: Steps, Traditions and Concepts). Conference committee meetings will start at 8:00pm on Friday. Sunday morning will feature speaker Calvin L. of Area 54. The mini-conference will concluded by 9:30am on Sunday to allow for a full Area Assembly starting at 10:00am with ample time for GSR reporting.
- Discussed our newsletter communications plan which will begin in January 2016.
The meeting adjourn at 8:15pm. Attending were Frank G., committee chair, Sandy D., committee treasurer, Kristi H., area delegate, Peggy A., area chair, Dan S., area treasurer, Marcia H., Dan H., and Bill Y.
The next mini-conference committee meeting is December 7 at 6:30pm.