Announcement – Contributions Website Enhancements from GSO

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your participation in A.A.’s Seventh Tradition with contributions to your General Service Board. Our co-founder Bill W. posed the question: “Where do A.A.’s services fit into our scheme of things and why should we provide these functions with money?” His answer was simple and still holds true today: “Every single A.A. service is designed to make more and better Twelfth Step work possible, whether it be a group meeting place, a central or intergroup office…or the world service Headquarters.  In this spirit your General Service Office (GSO) supports your efforts to carry the message of hope to the still-suffering alcoholic.
I am pleased to inform you of recent enhancements to the contributions pages on designed to improve functionality and your online experience.
The enhancements to the online contributions page include:
  • Faster processing
  • Simplified navigation
  • A more intuitive user interface
  • Clearer directions
  • Less cluttered web pages
Contributions made online cost less to process than those made by check—yielding another $2.67 per contribution available to carry the message. Currently less than 25 percent of contributions are made online. We hope that these improvements will encourage more use of our online contribution pages, increasing the impact of your Seventh Tradition contributions.
If you are new to online contributions, I encourage you to give this a try. Thank you again for participating in our Seventh Tradition. If you have any questions, please contact our Member Services team for assistance at  or 212-870-3023.
In fellowship,
Bob W.
General Manager
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