The format of communications being distributed by the General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous (GSO) has been the subject of discussions in the past two Area 53 Assemblies. There is great concern among several group representatives that the email only policy currently being practiced by GSO does not best serve the fellowship because of problems converting electronic communication to something that can be taken to the meetings of AA groups. In September, the assembly voted with substantial unanimity to submit a Proposed Agenda Item for the 74th General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous; that the conference consider, whether trusted servants of Alcoholics Anonymous should have the choice of postal mail or email for communications distributed to them by GSO.
The Proposed Agenda Item was submitted, but it did not get very far. We received a reply from the Conference Coordinator that, because this suggestion "references an office procedure", the suggestion would be forwarded to the Office Manager and that we would be receiving a reply from the Corresponding Secretary. As of yet, no reply has been received.
The East Central Regional Forum, scheduled for the weekend of November 17 through the 19th, provides an excellent opportunity for AA members from Area 53 to speak directly with General Service Board Trustees and GSO staff about this topic. The forum also represents an opportunity to share our concerns with other AA members who will be attending from around the region.
Members can get more info on the ECR Forum at the link below
Please share this information with other members who may not be on the Area 53 mailing list.