August 1957 Box 4-5-9 – Ohio AA Makes History 56 Years Ago

Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team

SPECIAL NOTE: This post refers to an archived newsletter, AA Exchange Bulletin, which was a precursor to the current Box 4-5-9. The August 1957 newsletter included a front page article about the first Ohio State Conference:

Ohio Conference, 1st in History, Attracts 1,000

With a history-making first statewide conference a stimulating memory, AA’s in Ohio are already looking forward to a second meeting in Toledo next summer (1958). More than 1,000 members and friends of AA gathered in Columbus July 19th (1957) for an exciting three-day session in the state where the first local group (Akron) cam into being 22 years ago (1935). In addition to hearing more than a score of alcoholic speakers, they were greeted by Governor C. William O’Neil who paid a warm tribute to the work of the Fellowship in Ohio and pledged his continuing understanding and support of the program. [read more by clicking the link below]

Box 4-5-9 is a quarterly bulletin from General Service Office (GSO) in New York. It includes information about A.A. service, literature, events, sharing from groups, service committees and individual U.S./Canada A.A. members. You can order a single print subscription for $3.50/year or a bulk subscription of 10 copies for $10.00.

pdf iconAugust Issue 1957 – Ohio Conference, 1st in History, Attracts 1,000

More info at website: click here

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