Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
It is a privilege to be able to thank all who made the 57th Ohio State Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous a joyous and special weekend.
Thank you State of Ohio General Service Areas 53, 54, 55, and 56. It was your Service. Where the Miracle Grows! that made the 57th Ohio State Convention a weekend that had depth and weight.
Praise should go to all the pieces of this convention masterpiece that was Ohio’s premier yearly A.A. gathering including the speaker meetings, the speaker panels, the legacies workshops, the hospitality room, the ice cream social, the A.A. Jeopardy, the 7 a.m. A.A. meetings, the A.A. history presentation, the Al-Anon meetings, the Area 56 A.A. Grapevine committee, the Central Ohio Group Fellowship(COGF) literature display, the state of Ohio Archives and the Area 53 and C.O.G. F. Archives displays, and all the Area 53 standing committee displays that carried the message.
Special thanks should go to our GSO Staff service representative, our General Service Board Trustee from Ohio and our incomparable slate of A.A. speakers whose gratitude and personal stories were some of the highest points of a great weekend filled with love and service.
I would like to thank my convention co-chair for her more than 12 straight months of tireless dedication. Every Convention committee trusted servant deserves praise and gratitude for the unstinting dedication and enthusiasm they demonstrated.
Next year the 58th Ohio State Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous is scheduled for Perrysburg Ohio, and will be hosted by the Northwest Ohio Area 55 General Service trusted servants July 25-27, 2014.
Until then, may we trudge the road of sobriety and service together in spirit and in action.
In Service,
Dave C., Delegate, Panel 63 (2013-14)
Area 53 – Central & SE Ohio