Request for Comments: Grapevine Use of Social Media Icons | July 27, 2011

Last Updated on September 6, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team

Dear Area 53 Members,

Please read the attached emails (see below) from the Area 15 Delegate and our Trustee Pam R. and get back to me with your thoughts. You can leave a comment at the end of this message (be sure to click on Read more …). I am also pasting in the response from Don M. the AA Grapevine Chair regarding the action taken by the GV board.

Yours in Service,
Glen P.
Delegate, Panel 61 Area 53
Central and Southeastern Ohio
740.983.6693 (h)
740.571.1193 (c)

To All,
As you may or may not have heard, the grapevine began receiving several letters and emails of anonymity concerns regarding the presence of a couple icons (Twitter and Facebook) on

Several suggestions were made that the icons be removed until the AAGV board has a chance to have a further discussion at its upcoming July board meeting.

The AAGV board, via email poll, agreed to take this action. Our Executive Editor/Publisher has confirmed that our web development provider has removed the links.

We have already scheduled this as an agenda item at our meeting.

In Service,
Don Miller
AAGV Chairperson

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REMINDER: Area 53/DCM Committee July Meetings

Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team

Hi fellow officers, committee chairs and DCMs,

It is already time for our next committee meeting which will be held at the Moose Lodge in Lancaster this Sunday. Below is an agenda. Remember that lunch is on your own. See you there! Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Kay H., Chair
Area 53, Panel 61

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Area Delegate Speaking | July 14, 2011

Last Updated on October 15, 2020 by Area 53 Web Team

Glen P., Area 53 Delegate, Panel 61 (2011-12) will be sharing his experience and reflections from the 2011 General Service Conference at the Listening Post Group on Thursday, July 14, from 8:00pm – 9:00pm. This will be speaker for the group open speaker meeting. The Listening Post meets at the Oakland Park United Methodist Church at 994 Oakland Park United Methodist Church, Columbus OH 43224.

As Area Delegate, Glen is the trusted servant who represents the voice and conscience of Central and Southeast Ohio in matters that effect AA as a whole. This is a great opportunity to learn about how that works and what was accomplished at the most recent conference.

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