Report from Delegate Chair Weekend in NYC | February 26, 2014

Last Updated on September 6, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team

I was honored to represent Area 53 Central and Southeastern Ohio in New York at the January 31 – February 3 General Service Board (GSB) Weekend. As you know I will represent the feelings of AAs in Area 53 at the 64th General Service Conference (GSC) where AA decides how to best carry the message as a whole.

I was chosen at the 63rd General Service Conference(GSC) to be the Delegate Chair for this year’s GSC Committee on Cooperation with the Professional Community(CPC). That meant I would be a guest of the General Service Board (GSB) and the General Service Office(GSO) the weekend of January 31 – February 3, 2014.

That weekend was a combination orientation to the chair’s role and a weekend of sharing and learning more about our AA yearly Conference to be held April 27 – May 3, 2014.

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64th General Service Conference Agenda

Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team

The Agenda for the 64th General Service Conference is official. Please let me know if any officer, DCM or Standing Committee Chair would like to get a digital version of a particular agenda item with background material included.

At our Area 53 Mini-Conference on March 7-9 at Salt Fork we will hold a group conscience on items selected from this list. Any group, district or interested AA has the right to share feelings, opinions, thoughts and experience on any of the proposals that I your trusted servant will vote on in New York.

Come to the Mini-Conference and you will get useful information from past delegates, GSO staff, General Service Board Trustees and AAs just like yourself.

In Service,
Dave C., Panel 63 Delegate
Area 53 Central & SE Ohio

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