CPC-PI Meeting Announcement

Last Updated on April 11, 2022 by

The Cooperation with the Professional Community / Public Information (CPC-PI) Committee


Would Like to Invite You to Their Next Meeting!
Sunday, May 2nd from 2 pm – 3:30 pm
Zoom ID: 983 8113 2027
Zoom Passcode: CPCPI


The Area 53 Cooperation with the Professional Community/Public Information (CPC-PI) Committee reaches the alcoholic by informing both the general public about the AA program and “the third person” whose work involves the active alcoholic. The committee also keeps the fellowship well informed so members and groups can carry the message more effectively.


Interested AA’s: We are looking for you to assist us in generating ideas on potential workshops, notifying us of public service opportunities, and giving us feedback on what you need us to do to better inform the public about how the AA Program works.


GSR’s: If your home group would like for us to attend your group conscience meeting to discuss what the CPC-PI committee does and how we are here to serve, please let us know. Or, attend our meeting and take the information back to your homegroup. Perhaps you have a homegroup member who is interested in getting involved in service. This may the just the opportunity they need to hear about!


DCM’s: We would love to come to your District meeting and provide information and answer questions about what the CPC-PI Committee does. We would welcome the opportunity to have your District to sponsor us by collaborating on a Public Information Workshop!


For more information, please contact:


Stacia Y., Chairperson




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