Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
The 2016 election assembly of Area 53 will be held at the Blue Moon Event Center in Grove City Ohio on the September 11. Registration and fellowship starts at 9:30am.
Area 53 Guideline information on elections
Article XII – Election of Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and Area Officers
1) At the September Area 53 Assembly Meeting of each even-numbered year, the Area Assembly will hold elections of the Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate, Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson, Registrar, Alternate Registrar, Secretary, Alternate Secretary, Treasurer, and Alternate Treasurer.
2) The term of service for these individuals will be for two years and will begin January 1 of the following year.
3) At the beginning of this even-numbered election year, the Chairperson will ask the immediate Past Delegate to chair an ad hoc nomination committee to identify, secure, and submit names of qualified nominees.
4) The election assembly will follow the general order of business as outlined on page S34 of The A.A. Service Manual with special emphasis on items 4, 5, and 6.
5) Pages S34, a Typical Election Assembly, and S20-21, Third legacy Procedure, are to be read to the Assembly prior to the beginning of the election.
6) All elections will be held using Third Legacy Procedure.
7) All members of the Area Assembly designated as voting members as described in Chapter III “Membership” shall have voting privileges.