Group Information Updated as of March 1

Group information has been updated as of March 1, 2018. Updates come from the Fellowship New Vision (FNV) database that is managed by your Area 53 Registrar, Nita S.

Group Information on Your Web Site
– Group name (service number): Group service number is at the end of the group name
– District: The district number for the group stored in FNV
– Primary Contact (GSR?): Person’s first name and last initial stored in FNV as the primary contact.
– Community: The city where the AA meeting is held.
– Updated: Date when the FNV record was last updated.

Where to See Group Information
You can find and search group information on these website pages:
GSRs and Groups page
Contributions page
Districts of Area 53 (click the link next to the district)

There are some group records in FNV that have not been updated since the 1970’s and 1980’s. If you have any insight to the status of groups with records that is 20 to 30 years old, please contact the Area Registrar at registrar[at]area53aa[dot]org.

March Area 53 Quarterly Assembly

Our March assembly meeting is this coming weekend, 1:00 pm March 11 at the Salt Fork State Park Lodge & Conference Center (14755 Cadiz Rd, Lore City, OH 43755).

PLEASE remember that at this assembly the registration starts at 12:30 pm.

There will be two separate workshops beginning at 10:30 am on Sunday March 11. They will end no later than noon.

A) GSR School – For all of those who haven’t attended, or would like a refresher course

B) Area 53 Standing Committees – The purpose of this workshop is to allow small group discussions between interested A.A. members and representatives from the Area’s Standing Committees. We are grateful that COYPAA will be at the Mini-Conference and has agreed to participate at the Workshop.

At noon, there will be a buffet lunch served by Salt Fork. It is $20, paid in advance. If you are interested in this paid lunch, visit the Mini-Conference home page to order online. AFTER you visit that page and read the details, if you don’t want to order and pay online, email alttreasurer[at]area53aa[dot]org.

In service,
Ed, Area 53 Alternate Chair, Panel 67 (2017-18)

Mini Conference Story from a Newbie

I love the outdoors. An opportunity to hang out at a state park? When my sponsor suggested I attend the mini-conference, I was all over it!

A friend and I went in together and got a cabin with a hot tub. It was going to be a vacation! We had food and smoothies and all sorts of fun planned. We had a great time driving to the event, and listened to a lead by Bill W. on the way.

When we arrived at our cabin which could’ve slept six, I was pleased by the beautiful view of the lake, and then there was the hot tub! I was amazed that this lovely cabin was affordable for the two of us. We unpacked our pumpkin pie and smoothie maker and delicious food and soon had a visit to the hot tub. Ahhhh… it was going to be a warm and relaxing weekend, in spite of the March temperatures.

We then proceeded to the lodge to register for the mini-conference. Now I must say that I have attended my share of conferences and played my share of “hooky” from sessions in order to do what I wanted. I expected some meetings and focus groups and hanging out with people. What I did NOT expect was what I got, which was an intense and inspiring view of how our Fellowship works, the nuts and bolts of it.

I was moved. Seriously moved.

I had seen my involvement in AA at the group level, as meetings and secretaries and Seventh Tradition baskets, as coffee and discussions and the “meeting after the meeting.” I did not comprehend what was happening deep underneath my meeting-oriented experience of AA. Such was my introduction to another area of service. I learned so much, and met people whose
hearts and minds were deeply committed to our Fellowship, and who showed it in their actions and attitudes. There was a lot of laughter, and seriousness, and well-meaning dispute and discussion. I was engaged from the outset, and have now become more involved in this other area of service as a result.

The Twelve Steps of AA saved my life. The Traditions and Concepts keep us going.

I am responsible…

My Remarkable Mini-Conference Story

This will be my 4th year of attending the Area 53 Mini Conference and I am super excited!

When I attended my first Mini Conference 3 years ago, I was filled with a nervous anticipation of what to expect. I found the experience to be overwhelming (in a great way). And, I couldn’t wait to go back to my home group and friends to share what I had learned from this amazing experience. Participating was a privilege. It was at my first Mini Conference that I learned from Bill F. the difference between a Trustee A and a Trustee B…and I still chuckle every time I hear him explain it!

Now, three Mini Conferences later, I find that I am still filled with anticipation – no longer as nervously. I am super excited about attending. Being a part of the Mini Conference Committee definitely adds to that excitement because it gives me the advantage of knowing in advance some of the spectacular events that this year’s Mini Conference has in store for us.

Everything from the minute you arrive – being greeted at the door, Mini Conference Registration Desk, the Speaker Meetings, the interactive Workshops, the Hospitality Room, the Early Bird meetings, and the delicious meals – promise to add to the remarkable story that you will leave with. I know you will want to go back and share with your home group and friends in the Fellowship.

I look forward to seeing you soon. If there is anything you need while you are there, please feel free to ask Frank G., Area 53 Delegate.

My story,
Marcia H.

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