Special Election at June Assembly

Area 53 will hold a special election at the June 4, 2017, Area Assembly meeting for Web Administrator and Alternate Web Administrator. These two new position were approved as a guideline change at the March 12, 2017 assembly. The guidelines for the duties of these area officers are available on the Area Guidelines webpage. The special election will follow Article XII – Election of Area Delegate, Alternate Delegate, and Area Officers of the area guidelines. When elected, these new officers will serve for the balance of Panel 67 through December 2018.

Candidates interested in these positions who have questions should email Dan H., Area 53 Chairperson at chair(at)area53aa(dot)org.

2017 General Service Conference Meeting

The General Service Conference meeting starts on April 23, 2017 in Rye, New York. Area 53 Delegate, Frank G., will join the other 90+ delegates from the United States and Canada for a week of work to review and consider important agenda items that are all about “Supporting Our Future.” Some of these agenda items were considered by those that attended the Area 53 Mini-Conference at Salt Fork on March 10-12 this year.

You can send your experience, strength, and hope to Frank at delegate(@)area53aa(.)org.

2017 CFC Annual Workshop – Apr 22

Join the Correctional Facilities Committee (CFC) of Area 53 for a day of fabulous fellowship plus learn what we do and how to get more involved in sharing the AA message of HOPE inside and outside the walls. Workshop focuses on how we carry the AA message to the alcoholic who still suffers, especially those confined in, or recently released from jails, prisons, and other correctional facilities.

The CFC Workshop will start at 8:00am and will be at Maple Grove United Methodist Church, 7 W Henderson Rd., Columbus, OH 43214.

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