Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
Fall has arrived and I hope you are enjoying the changing weather and activities. Here’s to inviting you to join the committee this Sunday at 2:00pm. The agenda includes:
- Information from the September Area Assembly
- Correspondence from GSO
- Discussion of upcoming committee officer elections
- Recent requests
In the “Welcome Letter from the Chair” (part of the new member folder) I stated it is and honor and a privilege to serve and learn more about the structure and primary purpose of this standing committee. I have not been disappointed in the knowledge and personal growth gained during this panel. I would, and do encourage anyone, to step up and take the challenge. Personal experience is the best teacher, and the firm principles of the program support the journey.
Thank you all for your continued interest and participation.
In love and service, with a spirit of cooperation,
Cheryl S.