CPC-PI Elections

Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team

To all interested AA’s

All positions on Area 53 CPC-PI committee are up for election. The new committee member positions will begin January 1st, 2015. Elections for positions will be on Sunday, November 2nd at 2pm at Maple Grove United Methodist Church.

The current members will help transition new members into the committee positions. Below are the suggested requirements for service positions. HOWEVER, each individual case will be assessed so please do not hesitate to voice your desire to serve! At the November voting meeting, please bring your AA resume (written or verbal). This can be as simple as sobriety date and you have worked the 12 steps. Please do not be discouraged if you have minimal service experience. WE ALL START SOMEWHERE! More importantly, we care about your willingness to serve!

Suggested Requirements for Committee Positions

  1. 2 year commitment for all positions
  2. Attend monthly meeting (1st Sunday of the month at 2 pm)
  3. Chair position-2 years of sobriety
  4. Treasurer position-2 years of sobriety
  5. Secretary position- 1 year of sobriety

Please see attachment for Description of CPC-PI Positions doc icon

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