Last Updated on January 30, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
The CPC workbook says cooperating with nonalcoholic professionals is an effective way to carry the message to the sick alcoholic. Non-alcoholic professionals often meet the alcoholic in places where A.A. is not present. Through professionals, alcoholics may be reached who might otherwise never find the program, or they may be reached sooner with the help of informed non A.A.s.
A professional can be a family doctor or other health care professional, a member of the clergy, a law enforcement or court official, an educator, a social worker, an al¬coholism or other counselor, or anyone who deals with problem drinkers in the course of their work. Many of these people often encounter the suffering alcoholic, and in spite of public awareness, many of them simply don’t know what to do with a drunk.
On January 6 your committee members shared their story and spoke to five classes at Briggs High School in Columbus. And on February 13 members spoke at an O.S.U. food science class.
In practice, your Central and Southeastern Ohio CPC-PI committee members inform professionals and future professionals about A.A. – what we are, where we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do.
We do things like go to a district or group event and tell how CPC-PI carries the message in Area 53.
This weekend we had a great response to our table top display. March 19 we will go to St. Peter Roman Catholic Church in Columbus. On March 25, I’ve been asked to talk about service in Area 53 at the District 26 Workshop in Whitehall.
We try to help any local CPC-PI committees too. This weekend we were able to give a starter pack of literature to a newly started committee from Byesville in District 6.
We could not do as much as we are doing without a helping hand. Thank you to groups of Area 53 for your group contributions. Thank you to the Intergroups, especially the Central Ohio Group Fellowship for communication assist and for cooperating in countless ways.
Your CPC-PI committee meets at 2 p.m. the first Sunday of each month, at MapleGrove Church at Henderson and High street in Columbus. Next meeting April 2.
Dave C.
CPC-PI Chairperson