Last Updated on September 6, 2019 by Area 53 Web Team
For active Central and Southeast Ohio Area 53 groups maybe the biggest news coming out of the General Service Conference is that local groups seem to agree with AA as a whole. The voting results document that compares Area 53 2012 Mini-Conference votes with the 2012 General Service Conference is now available below and on the Mini-Conference page for all interested AA’s to read.
There were some interesting items on the agenda at both the March 2012 Area 53 Mini-Conference and the April 2012 General Service Conference(GSC) in New York. A few are summarized in this post as follows.
- Both Area 53 and the GSC took no action on the proposal to establish an Alcoholics Anonymous presence on Facebook. Both the Area and GSC voted to raise the $3000 yearly individual contribution limit. However, the GSC voted to increase it to $5000 which was less than the Area 53 vote to increase it to $6000.
Both locally and in New York, the groups decided to take no action on the proposal to add the Grapevine Representative’s responsibilities to the General Service Representative’s duties.
In addition, local groups and A.A. as a whole voted to raise the recommended Delegates’ fee for expenses to attend the GSC from $1200 to $1600. The actual costs to fund each individual Delegate’s expenses are more than twice the amount of $1600 according to the AA General Service Board reports.
All the information contained the posted document will be available at the June 10th Area 53 Assembly. Glen P., Area 53 Panel 61 Delegate, is scheduled to give his full report on the General Service Conference experience at the Assembly to be held starting at 10 a.m. June 10 at the Moose Lodge in Lancaster Ohio.
For more information about this article please contact Dave C. 614-282-3755.