Last Updated on December 21, 2021 by
Hi, My Name is Donna K., Area 53 Delegate, I am humbled to serve as the voice of Area 53 at the 71st Annual General Service Conference.
We here in Area 53 have been working to prepare for our 1st virtual mini-conference. The committee process has been unbelievable what has been accomplished over the last few months. Please register to participate in the Mini-Conference. Your voice as AA members of Area 53 has a right and duty to Alcoholics Anonymous to be heard. There are many changes that AA is going through right now, I believe it is especially important to be heard on the Agenda Items that have been brought forward to the General Service Conference. Hope to see you all at the Mini-Conference March 12-14th.
One subject that is controversial is the agenda on producing a “Plain Language Big Book” click on the link to watch the video from our General Service Office.
Big Book Presentation – 70 GSC Big Book Presentation
I spoke with Patty, Manager of the COGF Inter-Group office, she requested that groups update their information with COGF as to either “Online” or “Live” or “Not meeting”. She said people are upset because they go to a meeting and it’s closed, but wasn’t updated.
As a reminder to all members: Area 53/GSO & each Inter-Group Office maintain a separate list of groups, REMEMBER it is important to notify BOTH your local Inter-group Office & the Area 53 Registrar of your groups status.