Last Updated on February 6, 2019 by
To All Groups,
The Alkathon will be here soon and we know your groups want to participate.
Attached is a sign-up sheet for time-slots for the Alkathon. In the event of ties for time-slots we will have a drawing.
The drawing/sign-up will take place at our next District 26 meeting which will be November 19th from 9:30-11:00am at the New Life Church in Gahanna.
Please discuss this with your group, choose your favorite time-slots and either send a representative to the District meeting on the 19th, or give your completed sheet to a member of the District (you can also scan & email a copy).
We’re having the same DJ as last year, and the same great AA groups hosting meetings, so we know this will be a super fun event.
In Loving Service,