2020 Mini-Conference Agenda Items

Last Updated on March 9, 2020 by Area 53 Web Team

The Area 53 Mini-Conference is next weekend, March 13-15. I hope you are all registered to attend. If not, please consider it and encourage every Area 53 A.A. member to attend.

There are forces working in A.A. for significant change and there are also forces working to keep things the way they have been. The group conscience will determine โ€“ as it always has – how this tension will get resolved. Letโ€™s remind everyone that if they want to have a voice, they have to be part of the group conscience. And in Area 53, thatโ€™s the Mini-Conference.

So, ask yourself (and others) if they have a view or are concerned about:

  • The impact of social media on our program and fellowship? At the Mini-Conference we will be discussing agenda items about developing or expanding YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, and an A.A.W.S. podcast.
  • The inclusiveness and appropriateness of the language used in our literature? This year we are looking at suggested changes to the Big Book, the Twelve and Twelve, the Concept essays, and the Preamble.

Attached are the agendas for this yearโ€™s six Mini-Conference committees. Each item also includes an overview of the background material that the committees have received. This allows us all to be a little better informed about the issued involved.

Please review the report. And if you agree that these are important issues, come to the Mini-Conference and have a voice in the outcomes.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve ….

Stephen S.

Delegate Panel 69 Area 53


View All 6 Committee Agenda Items Here

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