Downtown First Things First Event

200 E Livingston Columbus, OH 200 E Livingston Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

Downtown First Things First will have an event on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1ST 1:00 PM FOOD TRUCK AND FELLOWSHIP, 4:00 PM MEETING 200 E Livingston Ave Columbus Ohio 43215

McArthur AA Picnic

Wyman Park 510 Northview Rd, McArthur, OH

District 11 Beat the Heat BBQ and Bake off

Marysville Nazarene Church 1126 N Maple St (St Rt 31), Marysville, OH

Chilli Cook Off – District 34 – Oct 5th

Desert Island Social and Recovery Club 501 Josephine Ave, Columbus, OH, United States

District 34 Chili Cook-Off - 50/50 Raffle, Door Prizes, Gift Cards for Chili Cook off winners. 1st place $25, 2nd Place $15, 3rd Place $10 Download Flyer Here When: Saturday, October 5th 2024 Where: Desert Island Club 501 Josephine Ave, Columbus, OH 43204 Time: TBD - Before OSU v Iowa Game  


Submit Event

If you want to submit an event for posting on the Area 53 Website Calendar CLICK HERE, or email the event details to

Event information might include event name or title; event location and address; date, start time and end time; and description of the event and why someone might attend in 2-3 sentences.

Attach a flier with NO LAST NAMES to the email.

If there is an event charge, please provide that detail and the forms of payment accepted.

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