Announcing: A.A. for the Older Alcoholic:  now available in new Booklet format

From AA World Services:


August 4, 2023

Dear A.A. Friends,

We are delighted to announce that the newly revised item of General Service Conference-approved literature A.A. for the Older Alcoholic—Never Too Late is now being made available in a Large Print Booklet format.

Formerly available in an oversized, folded Large Print pamphlet (Item P-22), this new expanded and redesigned item features eight (8) new stories by A.A. members.


Widespread member feedback requested the format for this material be made more accessible, and we are pleased to have delivered this solution.


Now available in English, with forthcoming Spanish and French

translations in the production process, A.A. for the Older Alcoholic booklet has a List Price of $2.00 and has Item B-28.


As always, we encourage ordering the Big Book and all of our items of literature from local distribution sources—groups, districts, areas, Intergroups and Central Offices—as they play a vital role in local Twelfth Step activities.


To order items all formats of the Big Book as well as other items of literature from the A.A.W.S. webstore, click here.

For questions, comments and sharing on this topic, please email us at .

With all best A.A. wishes,

David R.                                                                         Malini Singh
A.A.W.S. Publishing Director                                         Director of Operations

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