At the upcoming September 10th Assembly, Area 53 will be voting on a couple of very important motions. These motions were presented to members of the Assembly at our June 4th Assembly. Voting members of the Assembly were asked to go back to their home groups and discuss the motions to allow for an informed group conscience on the issues before definitive action is taken.
The motions are as follows:
- Motion: To discontinue future hybrid assemblies.
- Motion: That Area 53 – Central and Southeast Ohio submit a Proposed Agenda Item to the 74th General Service Conference as follows: Consider whether trusted servants of Alcoholics Anonymous should have the choice of format (email v’s postal mail) regarding communications distributed by the General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous, US and Canada (see attached information submitted by Chris J., Area 53 Registrar)
- Proposed Agenda Item
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Marcia H., Area 53 Chair at