November 13, 2023
Dear Trusted Servants:
A.A.โs Co-Founder, Bill W., in his 1953 address to the General Service Conference, stated that he did not consider himself the author ofย Alcoholics Anonymous, the Big Book (Our Great Responsibility, p. 92). He also alluded to the fact that in the various A.A. literature published prior to his passing, he borrowed heavily from other sources, and that other A.A. members made significant contributions.
On the other hand, addressing the historical context of some of the writings of our Founders, many members in our Fellowship have expressed strong sentiment against any changes in the first 164 pages ofย Alcoholics Anonymous, the Big Book, as well as the Preface, the Forewords, The Doctorโs Opinion, Doctor Bobโs Nightmare, and the Appendices. In fact, as early as 1995 and most recently in 2022, Advisory Actions designed to protect the above-referenced contents have been passed by the General Service Conference.
In response to a Committee Consideration from the 73rd General Service Conference suggesting that trusteesโ Literature Committeeย seek input from the Fellowship (including but not limited to Area delegate feedback) regarding any possible future changes to literature written by A.A.โs Founders, the trusteesโ Literature committee agreed it would be beneficial to gather shared experience from the Fellowship regarding this topic.
We would like to hear from you โ the top of the triangle! While we hope that the suggested questions will help to spark thoughtful sharing and discussion, please feel free to add questions that we may not have thought of that you feel may best inform the discussion. Most of all, we are grateful for and thank you for your participation.
In fellowship,
The trusteesโ Literature Committee (2023-2024)
p.s. NOTE that the reply method is to mail it in to P.O. Box 459.