Last Updated on September 9, 2022 by
I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts through my difficult time over the last month. I am happy to say I am on the mend and doing much better. I would like to thank Ed A. my alternate for stepping in while I was unable to perform my delegate tasks.
August 5-7, 2022 Area 53 hosted The 66th Ohio State Convention. I was not able to participate due to my health, that is why we have committees in Alcoholics Anonymous. The committee for the convention worked very hard over the last year planning every detail. We always talked about we wanted people to see that we can have fun in service and that we did. Since I was not able to be there my alternate Brenda B. jumped in and took the reins, she did a fabulous job. From the reports back to me in my hospital room we succeeded to show how service is fun. I know there were friendships made that would not have been possible without the committee process meeting every month to plan and execute!
On to delegate news. While in the hospital I received an email from Public Information about the 2022 Membership Survey. The survey will be sent out by September 15th to your groups and will need returned by October 15th to be counted.
The conference was in April; attached is the final report in digital form. The hard copies will be sent to me in October. I will try to get around to as many groups as I can to distribute, if you would like hard copies always feel free to call me and I will make sure your group gets them.
Our elections are coming up at the next assembly on September 11th. It is important to pass on what has so freely been give to each and everyone of us. I know a lot of folks donโt believe we need assemblies, officers, and committees. These service positions are needed to help the groups to be able to do what they do for the still suffering alcoholic. For myself, without having service in my AA life I donโt know if I would have the strength to go through what life throws at me sometimes. Even while in ICU on a hospital bed waiting to go to surgery, I knew because of the service of the committee all would be well at the State Convention. When I heard how great it was, I knew we did our job well. Service has given me so much joy, lifelong friendships from all over the US and Canada, and lots of peace.
It is scary to stand for a position, but we are all there to help you through, just be willing and let God do the rest.
Thank you all,
Donna K.
Area 53 Panel 71 Delegate