Greetings all.
This past Saturday a very important motion was adopted/changed in the Treatment Facility Committee. That motion was where we as a committee are getting our literature from.
Moving forward, ALL Literature will be purchased from the Central Office or GSO. We will no longer be buying anything outside the AA Ecosystem in honor of the 7th Tradition. With that being said. We now need your help and from the entire Area to buy enough books for the patients in Treatment Facilities.
How can you help? We desperately need individual meetings to get Group Treatment Representatives (GTRs) appointed in their groups. We only have 16 GTR's contributing with over 750 registered meetings in the Area! Our literature cost went up a whopping 80% by adopting this motion however we felt it was best to align the Committee with AA as a whole. Now, we trust God and ask the Area to do their best in supporting the TFC so we can help the new man or woman get to enjoy the same life all of us do by getting the first 164 pages in their hands!
Here are the numbers currently...
We go into 23 facilities and only have enough reserves to buy 115 books.
Please reply to the email if you or your group can sign up to be a TFC Group Treatment Representative.